This project is an investigation into the potenital of parametric modeling in product design. I worked was mentored by architect and PhD-Scholar Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik, who is specializing in Gridshell Nodes - Design explorations in the intersection between architectural design and structural engineering at the Department of Architecture and Technology at NTNU.
Course: Self-programmed Independent Course 1, NTNU
Students: Sebastian Oliver Dahl
Faculty: Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik
Faculty: Pasi Aalto
These results demonstrate the various application of the system that was developed. The system itself was the focus of the project.
The goal was to create a system of nodes and staves as well as affording the staves optional sufaces where it is wanted. Many iterations were made between the finished system of 3D printed nodes and threaded birch staves that allow strings to fit inbetween the thread tracks.
Threading process
The threading tools that were available required certain an amount of manual labor. In order to reduce the time it took to thread all the wooden staves manually a threading system was developed.

The stick holders were created to allow the sticks to easily attatch to a hand held drill. This way it was easy to create long threaded sticks. Birch was the chosen wood type, as it is hard enough to maintain the short and sharp shape of threads. Other wood types like oak are to soft, and cause the theads to crumble.