Wooden vases
The wooden vase project was initially an effort to replecate a version of Oliver David Krieg’s famed Aestus vases. The wooden were robotically fabrictated with a 7-axis milling system consisting of an ABB IRB4600-60 2.05 robotic arm and a ABB IRBP L-300 positioner. The project demonstrates how digital fabrication tecniques can be actualized in real world fabrication. We have also demonstrated how robotic milling can be applied to refine wooden waste materials.
Course: CTPD4500 - Design 9, Specialization Project, NTNU
Students: Daniel Fremming, Sebastian Oliver Dahl
Project supervisor: Johannes Bløndal Sigurjonsson
Co-supervisor: Lars Tingelstad
Project advisor: Ricardo Mayor

The vases were created in order to familiarize the industrial robot as a design tool. The surface geometries of the wooden vases are shaped by a hempispherical ball mill connected to a robotic arm.
Knowing that the AESTUS Vases (Oliver David Krieg, 2018) were fabricated by professionals with skill levels way beyond our own, we decided that it would be a sufficient challenge to replecate their efforts.
Vase designs
Three series of vases were made in order to explore some of the different surface geometries that are possible given the restraint of the hempispherical ball mill.
The lined vases illustrate the results of varying distances between each line on a curved surface and emphasizes directionality.
The wavy vases are our direct interpretation of the O. D. Kriegs vases. They also demonstrate different types of waves that are possible using this concept. We can also control the intensity of these wavelike surface patterns.
The dotted vases emphazise the fact that, given our geometrical constaints, we are not obliged to create continuus patterns.
TCP plane generation
The TCP coordinates were created from lists of center-out oriented planes that came from points along the vertical lines between each surface edge on the vase.
Surface geometry
We developed surface geometry with the radius of the ballmill as a constraint.
This video illustrates the process of fabricating the wooden vases with the 7-axis milling system. The vase that is milled here is Vase #3.
Supportive network
This project was suppored technically by a selection of specialists. We remain thankful for their efforts.