Stacked Column
This project was a result of a 6 week long indroductionary seminar in robotic fabrication. The objective of the course was to understand the robitc 6-axis arm as a fabrication tool and learn how to utilize the pick-and-place method to robotically fabricate a column consisting of a number homogenous wooden sticks of 45x45x300mm
Course: Robotic fabrication, Iaac
Students: Martino Degasperi, Dimitra Gavriela Roumelioti, Ekaterina Polyakova, Gabriel Wosiack Teixeira,
Sebastian Oliver Dahl
Faculty: Ricardo Mayor
Digital and robotic fabrication expert at IAAC, Barcelona
Faculty assistant: Sheikh Rizvi Riaz
The process lasted for six weeks where we developed our geometry according to each week’s iteration objective. The first week was the only time when we assembled the sticks manually, and it proved to be quite a challenge to arrange the sticks precicely.
Process video
This video illustrates the process as well as the result of the robotic fabrication seminar during MAA01 at Iaac in 2023. It became a joyful learning experience.
Stool concept
A stool concept was also developed, inviting people to interact with the geometry in a personal manner.
Wall concept
The wall concept was taking the stacking concept a step further into an architectual context. Its a structural interpetatin for the presicely placed sticks, this time with the freedom of variable lengths.