Digital Woodcraft Bench
The goal of the seminar was to explore the world of digitally designed and fabricated timber structures - how they are conceived, communicated, and materialised - and how to predict the impacts of design decisions on material behaviour.
Course: Digital Woodcraft, Iaac
Students: Anastasija Vidovic, Asja Osmanovic, Gabriel Wosiack Teixeira, Ingrid Vaz, Julius Morgenstern, Martino Degasperi, Michael Sinzinger, MuHuai Liu, Paing Su Ko, Raghav Jhawar, Rocio Sagastegui Vazquez, Sbusiso Bhembe, Sebastian Oliver Dahl and Yassi Kazemzadeh
Faculty: Tom Svilans
phd. CITA, Royal Danish Academy, Copehagen
Faculty: Shyam Francesco Zonca
Product designer, Lab manager at IAAC, Barcelona
Faculty assistant: Agnieszka Szklarczyk
Viewpoint bench at Valldaura
Located at the peak north of Iaac’s Valldaura Labs campus, the digital woodcraft bench offers some much needed privacy and comfort for the students and staff who reside at Valldaura.
The digital woodcraft bench
Located at the peak north of Iaac’s Valldaura Labs campus, the digital woodcraft bench offers some much needed privacy and comfort for the students and staff who reside at Valldaura.
Concept drawings
These concept drawings became the starting point for the digital woodcraft bench. This concept was selceted among a set of different bench concepts as the design is both aestetically pleasing as well as realistically applying the material that we have access to, which were mainly 45x45 mm wooden sticks of various lengths.
The concept was also influenced by earlier proposals and ideas that were presented by the students in the course.

The combined effort of the digital woodcraft bench resulted in a new semi-private space in the middle of the Collserola forest, overwatching the Montserrat mountain range.